Diptyque L'Eau Trois

Diptyque L’Eau Trois Review – Everything You Need To Know

L’Eau Trois.

An intimate pine cologne.

Diptyque L’Eau Trois was released in 1975. It is based on aromatics, resins, and spices. It lasts four to five hours on the skin with intimate projection. In this review, I will describe its smell and performance and if it’s worth it.

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What Does Diptyque L’Eau Trois Smell Like?

The opening starts with what? A unique greasy/fuel-like aroma. The combination comes from a resinous Myrrh and Caraway. Don’t let the opening description scare you. It’s just a balmy smell with a twist.

The caraway note soon falls away. More dry and sweet Myrrh fills its void. Combined with pine needles, it is woody, resin-warm, and aromatic.

The pine needles bring a subtle coniferous “spice.” Smell a face full of live pine needles; that’s the same idea here. The spiced faucet sits in the background. It is interesting but never amounts to much.

Myrrh only gets sweeter in the dry down; more aromatics and woods support it. The rest of the wear is Myrrh, wood, and aromatics.

Diptyque L’Eau Trois notes:


  • Rosemary
  • Myrtle


  • Myrrh
  • Spices
  • Caraway


  • Kyara Incense
  • Pine Tree
  • Myrrh

L’Eau Trois Performance

L’Eau Trois lasts six hours on the skin with light projection. The first one to two hours has a two-foot projection. After this period, it recedes to a light ambiance for the rest of the wear.

The sillage is not much better. The more you move around, this doesn’t project better. This performance is with four sprays.

As you can tell, this L’Eau Trois isn’t known for its performance :-(.

This is all-season wear in warmer temperatures; you’ll have to moderate your sprays. Whereas, in colder weather, you’ll have to apply heavier.

As for occasions, it is all. This is one of the best aspects, as the subtle projection allows for close-quarter settings. But also has a quality aroma for all other occasions.

Lastly, mass appeal and likability are excellent. Like its versatility, L’Eau Trois is a likable and subtle fragrance that can be enjoyed by those around you, but it won’t consume them.

Diptyque L'Eau Trois Review
Besuited Aroma gives Diptyque L’Eau Trois a 7.6 out of 10.

Final Words

Good or bad, depending on your fragrance philosophy, L’Eau Trois doesn’t have any dupes. You’ll never have to worry about being ripped for a tenth of the price like most Creed fragrances.

The final burning question is, is Diptyque L’Eau Trois worth it? Maybe.

I see this as an addition to your collection if you’re seeking a raw and authentic pine fragrance. This is definitely a scent for collectors and is only useful for a few.

Do you like the idea of an authentic pine fragrance? Well, don’t limit yourself to L’Eau Trois. Check out my review of the best pine colognes; you might just find your signature scent.

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