

Parfums de Marly Layton

Parfums de Marly Layton (2023) – Full Review


A fragrance that turns heads at the snap of the fingers.

Layton is all about warm spices. Starting with a fresh opening and ending with a warm and spicy base from vanilla and various spices. It has excellent versatility and easy wearability.

Before I give away too much, let’s jump into this review. I will describe how Layton smells and performs and if it’s the right choice for you.

Quick Summary

  • A warm and spicy vanilla tsunami.
  • An excellent performer, lasting 8-10 hours with great projection.
  • A niche fragrance with a niche price tag.
  • Well-blended and balanced.
  • A cologne that can gain anyone’s attention.

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What Does Parfums de Marly Layton Smell Like?

Upon the first spray is a sugary and charming fruity sweetness. Fresh spices coat its edges. The blend is so good in the opening that it’s hard to pick specific notes. Yet, I catch fleeting wafts of orange and apple.

Within a few minutes comes the soapiness and cleanliness of lavender. The spices from before remain at the same intensity. Never “nose-puckering,” just always wanting me to come back for more. 

As the opening settles, vanilla washes over the opening, bringing prominent cardamom. This prominent duo lasts the first one to two hours before changing. 

This change starts the dry down and when things get creamier. The base adds a sandalwood depth while warm vanilla and cardamom spice sit atop.

This is what you’ll smell for the rest of the wear.

Parfums de Marly Layton notes:


  • Apple
  • Lavender
  • Bergamot


  • Geranium
  • Violet
  • Jasmine


  • Vanilla
  • Pepper
  • Patchouli
  • Guaiac Wood

*Notes from Parfums de Marly’s Official Website.

Layton Performance

So, now you know the most important part of the fragrance. Let’s talk about the second.

How Long Does Parfums de Marly Layton Last?

The multiple times I have tested this, I have gotten 8 – 10 hours on my skin. This was in the spring during mild temperatures. This is an excellent choice if you’re looking for a scent that will last an entire day at work.

It has above-average projection for hours. It pushes out over 3 feet in the first few hours, then recedes closer to the skin. Never becoming a skin scent.

One thing I particularly enjoy is its sillage. It’s dense enough to smell even better when moving around and leaves a solid scent trail. However, it’s not so heavy that it is sickening if someone is near you.

What Occasion is Parfums de Marly Layton Good For?

As for events, this can be worn for any situation with spray count moderation. It is undoubtedly classy enough to be used for formal occasions. But also dressed down enough to be worn in the office.

This is perfect cool weather wear. Now, it can be worn nearly all year round except for the hottest days of summer.

However, even as it is near the end of March as I write this, and about 50 – 60F. It doesn’t fit the warmer and hot weather very well.

Thus, if you want to maximize the wear, then it can be worn for 9-10 months of the year. But if you’re being picky like me, this is best for late fall, winter, and early spring – 6-7 months of the year.

Is Layton Unique?

Unfortunately, the smell is not ultra-unique. It is made from high-quality notes. However, it is still just a warm vanilla and spicy fragrance. It doesn’t do anything different just does it better.

This could be a signature scent, as most men won’t wear Layton. Though, it’s not going to smell like a 1:1.

Is Layton a Compliment Getter?

This is Layton’s best category.

The compliments aspect is not the most important to all men and is also very subjective. However, there is no denying that this is an ultra-attractive cologne. It wouldn’t have made it to the top of my sexiest colognes list if it wasn’t.

So, men, if you want to make a remarkable first impression, this is the juice for you.

Is Layton Worth It?

This was the most challenging category to write as I had a few conflicting ideas. On one side, Layton is ultra high-quality, has above-average performance, and can turn anyone’s head.

On the flip side, it’s expensive. Not many guys can drop $200+ on a bottle of cologne. It’s also nothing special in scent uniqueness and can only be worn a portion of the year.

In short, this is a buy but not a must-have. Other vanilla colognes out there have a similar effect. If the cost doesn’t bother you, then buy it. But the average guy can get away without this one.

If you know you want at least one Parfums de Marly fragrance, that’s a different story.

Parfums de Marly Layton Review
Besuited Aroma gives Parfums de Marly Layton a rating of 8.3 out of 10.

How Do People Rate Parfums de Marly Layton?

Don’t just trust me; what do the masses think? This information is pulled from fragrantica.com. Providing a general estimate of what others think.

At the time of writing, Layton has 7,009 votes with a rating of 4.45 stars out of 5. Based on the cost-for-value metric, this is rated as neutral to overpriced, which I agree with.

Here are the top three pros and cons:


  • Appeals to most people.
  • Well-crafted fragrance.
  • Long-lasting scent.


  • Overhyped by Youtubers
  • Not everyone will like the apple-vanilla combo.
  • It may cause nose fatigue.

I believe in all the pros. However, the con referring to nose fatigue is just the application of too much or at the wrong time. All three cons listed were not highly rated.


The current sample I am reviewing was bought from Parfums de Marly’s website. It is one of seven in their men’s discovery set.

These are seven 1.5mL bottles of their most popular colognes. I’ve included the sample picture below and what an authentic bottle and box will look like.

The bottle is navy blue with a silver cap. I know from watching youtube reviews that the cap clicks into place. You won’t have to worry about spilling. The batch code will be on the bottom of the bottle.

A straightforward yet classy design. The box is also blue with white stripes and Parfum’s de Marly logo. The batch code, as well as ingredients, will be on the bottom as well.

Box and Bottle Credit: Parfums de Marly


Parfums de Marly’s brand was founded in 1743 in France. You can say they have experience, to say the least.

From Parfums de Marly, “Each fragrance has its own olfactory signature, developed from a palette of noble ingredients. The splendor of the 18th century through a prism of modern vision.”

Layton itself was released in 2016, created by perfumer Hamid Merati-Kashani.

It has grown to mass popularity for all the reasons mentioned above. In 2017, a flanker was launched called “Layton Exclusif.” It is the same high quality but heavily focuses on woody and oud accords.

Parfums de Marly only has 36 fragrances released for both men and women at the time of writing. However, these are all quality fragrances that are worth a sample.


Where Should I Buy Layton Parfums de Marly?

How Many Sprays Should I Apply?

2 – 3 is a good general rule. Only in extreme situations would I apply more or less.

Is Layton Perfume Male or Female?

Layton is marketed as unisex. However, based on my opinion and that of fragrantica, it leans more masculine. It wouldn’t be too manly for a woman, just not the best fit.

Can I Wear Layton in the Summer?

It is not the best summer cologne, but it would work. If it is sweltering out, I wouldn’t recommend wearing it. However, if it’s a mild 70-80F, you’ll be perfectly fine if you moderate your sprays.

Is Layton a Niche Fragrance?

Layton is a niche fragrance created by the niche brand Parfums de Marly.

Does Layton Smell Like Apple Pie?

No, it does have fruity apple sweetness in the opening. However, this lasts only a few minutes before giving way to a warm and spicy heart. If anything, it smells like a bottle of cooking vanilla.

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Should I Buy Layton?

It will certainly be an excellent buy if you decide to purchase it. However, it’s a hard sell when a bottle of cologne is this expensive.

It really depends on what you want out of your fragrance journey. This is a must if you want a small but ultra-high-quality collection. However, if you’re starting out, this can be a pass for now.

But, again, this will always be a good purchase. Just a matter of how much you want to spend.

Layton is an excellent cologne and an alluring one. Yet, don’t just limit yourself to Layton. Check out the sexiest colognes for men. All are primed to grab positive attention; you might just find your signature scent.

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