

Mancera Cedrat Boise

Do You Need Mancera Cedrat Boise Now? 2024 Full Review!

Cedrat Boise.

The best beginner niche fragrance.

This review will describe its smell, performance, and anything else you need to know.

Quick Summary

  • Cedrat Boise is best worn with three sprays.
  • The performance is amazing: Cedrat Boise lasts 10+ hours on the skin.
  • One of the best fragrances for quality and performance.
  • The most noticeable notes: Fruity notes, Pineapple, Cedar, and Musk.
  • Cedrat Boise can be worn in the summer and winter and everything in between.

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How Does Mancera Describe it?

Here is the product description, “Vibrant and sparkling, Cedrat Boise opens with notes of citrus fruits, blackcurrants, and spices and rests on a sensual heart of jasmine and patchouli leaves. Its long-lasting sillage captivates you with woody, vanilla, leathery, and musky notes.”

What Does Mancera Cedrat Boise Smell Like?

This is a fruity, woody fragrance many think smells like Creed Aventus… it doesn’t. The longer it sits on your skin, the brighter and more refreshing it becomes.

The semi-sweetness of the fruits is by far the most prominent, but the citric pineapple is noticeable (hence, why it’s thought of as a Creed Aventus clone.)

In the end, it is a wearable wood and musk base. You’ll smell this for most of the wear, and it keeps the same brightness as before.


  • Citrus
  • Black Currant
  • Cold Spices


  • Jasmine
  • Patchouli


  • Woody Notes
  • Leather
  • Oakmoss
  • Vanilla

Cedrat Boise Performance

How Long Does Cedrat Boise Last?

Cedrat Boise always hovers in the 10+ hour range on skin. On clothes, it can linger until the next day with a soft ambiance.

Like a true powerhouse projector, the scent bubble is large, and the scent trail is even longer. It is one of those fragrances that stay in the air after you’ve walked by.

When Should You Wear Cedrat Boise?

Cedrat Boise is best for casual wear in open spaces. If used in moderation, it can be worn to the office, but tone down the sprays.

As for the season, I don’t recommend the summer months. It becomes too intense.

Is Cedrat Boise Unique?

The uniqueness is average. The chances that someone is wearing this near you are slim. However, the scent’s uniqueness is nothing ground-breaking.

Does Cedrat Boise Get Compliments?

Cedrat Boise is a simple compliment-getter. It doesn’t scream for attention but still attracts it. As for likability, everyone will love your smell as long as it isn’t too overpowering.

Is Mancera Cedrat Boise Worth It?

Yes, Cedrat Boise is an excellent niche fragrance for beginners. Luckily as described above, the scent itself is outstanding. Its performance alone returns multiple times over the price.

Mancera Cedrat Boise Review
Besuited Aroma gives Mancera Cedrat Boise a rating of 9.3 out of 10.

How Do The People Rate Mancera Cedrat Boise?

Don’t just trust me; what do the masses think? This information is pulled from fragrantica.com. Providing a general estimate of what others think.

At the time of writing (January 2024), Cedrat Boise has 8,507 votes with a rating of 4.14 stars out of 5. Based on the cost-for-value metric, it is rated as neutral.

Here are the top three pros and cons:


  • Mixed fruits with a luxurious leather note
  • Citrus chords
  • Sweet with a background of subtle wood


  • Some people disagree on the Aventus comparison
  • Performance may vary depending on batch or personal perception
  • It can be too synthetically sweet and fruity for some.

How does Mancera Cedrat Boise Intense Smell?

Cedrat Boise Intense is a flanker of the original. When Mancera says intense, they mean intense. The concentration of oil in Cedrat Boise Intense is a staggering 45%.

With the oil plentiful, the flanker is an all-around better cologne than the original.

The easiest way to describe Intense Cedrat Boise is the same scent as the original but amplified. It is smoother, richer, and has a more pronounced woodiness in the opening.

With Cedrat Boise Intense, there is less of a synthetic smell.

  • Longevity: 12+ hours
  • Projection & Sillage: Excellent, fills a room.
  • Versatility: Same as original but more sensitive to high heat
  • Uniqueness: Same as the original
  • Compliments & Likability: Same as the original
  • Cost for Value: Same as the original

Mancera Cedrat Boise Performance Rating = 9.4/10


Mancera Cedrat Boise vs Creed Aventus?

As I alluded to earlier, both have a similar vibe. Aventus opens with a juicy pineapple opening and dries down to a smoky birch and musky base.

Whereas Cedrat Boise has a bright citrus and bergamot opening with a woody and musky base. Yes, they are similar but still two different beasts.

Is Cedrat Boise for Men?

Mancera Cedrat Boise is marketed as a unisex fragrance. However, it leans more masculine.

How Many Sprays Should I Apply?

I recommend 2 -3 sprays. If it is hot out, you may only need one.

Who Wears Mancera Cedrat Boise?

Not teenagers, it fits a more mature crowd. If you act old for your age or are in your late 20s and early 30s, then Cedrat Boise is perfect for you.

Where Do I Buy Mancera Cedrat Boise?


Yes, Mancera Cedrat Boise is one of the best niche fragrances for beginners. Mostly because it is so affordable (compared to other niche fragrances).

If you’re only buying a niche fragrance, here you go. If you’re buying any fragrance in this price range, this is no longer at the top, but it’s also far from the bottom.

What do you think of the Mancera Cedrat Boise?

Do you like the idea of owning a Mancera fragrance? Well, don’t limit yourself to Cedrat Boise. Check out my review of the best Mancera colognes; you might just find your signature scent.

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